Installing DiViMe

First installation

Try the following first:

  1. Install Vagrant: Click on the download link and follow the prompted instructions
  2. Install VirtualBox: When we last checked, the links for download for all operating systems were under the header “VirtualBox 5.2.18 platform packages”, so look for a title like that one.
  3. Clone the present repository: To do this, you must use a terminal. If you don’t know what this means, we recommend that you first follow the Software Carpentry Shell Tutorial (up to 00:45, namely “Introducing the shell”, and “Navigating files and directories”). Next, navigate to the directory in which you want the VM to be hosted and type in: $ git clone
  4. Change into this folder: $ cd DiViMe
  5. Install HTK. HTK is used by some of these tools (until we find and implement an open-source replacement). We are not allowed to distribute HTK, so unfortunately you have to get it yourself.
    • Go to the HTK download page
    • Register by following the instructions on the left (under “Getting HTK”: Register)
    • Check that you have received your password via email; you will need it for the next step.
    • Find the link that reads “HTK source code” under your system (if you have a mac, it will be under “Linux/unix downloads”). Notice that you will need your username and password (from the previous step). You must download the version 3.4.1.
    • Move the HTK-3.4.1.tar.gz file into the root folder of this repository (alongside Vagrantfile).
  6. Type $ vagrant up

The first time you do this, it will take at least 20 minutes to install all the packages that are needed to build the virtual machine. Once the virtual machine will be installed, it will stay stuck at “installation finished” for few minutes. However, the tools are not yet installed at this step. You will need to wait for the tools to be installed, and to take back the control of the terminal to run the tools.

The instructions above make the simplest assumptions as to your environment. If you have Amazon Web Services, an ubuntu system, or you do not have admin rights in your computer, you might need to read the instructions to the eesen-transcriber for fancier options. Or you can just open an issue here, describing your situation.

We are working on Installing With Docker, but this option is not yet functional.

Checking your installation

The very first time you use DiViMe, it is a good idea to run a quick start test, which will be performed using data from the VanDam Public Daylong HomeBank corpus (VanDam et al., 2015):

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Navigate inside the DiViMe folder
  3. Do $ vagrant up
  4. Do $ vagrant ssh -c "launcher/"

This should produce the output:

Testing Speech Activity Detection Using Noisemes...
Noisemes passed the test.

Testing OpenSmile SAD...
OpenSmile SAD passed the test.

Testing Threshold Optimized Combo SAD...
Threshold Optimized Combo SAD passed the test.

Testing DiarTK...
DiarTK passed the test. 

Testing Yunitator...
Yunitator passed the test. 

Testing DScore...
Yunitator passed the test. 

Congratulations, everything is OK! 

Common installation errors and fixes

  • For noisemesSad, and diartk, you may get an error “failed the test because a dependency was missing. Please re-read the README for DiViMe installation, Step number 4 (HTK installation).” This means that your HTK installation was not successful. Please re-download the

If something else fails, please open an issue here. Please paste the complete output there, so we can better provide you with a solution.

Updating DiViMe

If there is a new version of DiViMe, you will need to perform the following 3 steps from within the DiViME folder on your terminal:

$ vagrant destroy
$ git pull
$ vagrant up


If you want to get rid of the files completely, you should perform the following 3 steps from within the DiViME folder on your terminal:

$ vagrant destroy
$ cd ..
$ rm -r -f divime


VanDam, M., De Palma, P., Strong, W. E. (2015, May). Fundamental frequency of speech directed to children who have hearing loss. Poster presented at the 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA.